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Soul Art: 心灵之旅 – 明阵 + 禅绕画工作坊
May 7, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm SMT
在繁忙的生活中,人的心灵容易杂乱,有如置身在有很多「分岔路」的Maze「迷宫」里,容易迷失方向。而 Labyrinth「明阵」只有一个出入口,一条清楚的通道,沿着迂回的路径通往中心点,再由中心点顺着原路折返。借由这条可信赖的通道,体会迂回曲折的路径仿如人生的逆转变迁。
我们将绘制属于自己的 Labyrinth「明阵」并将「明阵」里的路径以禅绕画图样填满。完成后的「明阵」也可以在日后的生活中运用,帮助静心和面对生活里的不同重要课题。
诚意邀请大家从「忙」碌的生活中,放慢脚步,给自己片刻的空间,学习享受安静与缓慢,透过 Labyrinth「明阵」和禅绕画帮助你与心灵对话、聆听当下身心、藉「明阵」穿越心灵迷宫,走一趟心灵之旅。
1. 空白页笔记本和笔以练习图样和记录笔记
2. 一把尺(最少 30cm 长)
3. 橡皮擦
4. (可选择性): 填色工具如彩色铅笔、彩色笔、粉彩、水彩等
About the trainer:
Lindsay Lim+ Certified Zentangle® Teacher(CZTTM)+ SoulCollage® Facilitator (first in Singapore)+ Veriditas Trained Labyrinth Facilitator+ Himalayan Singing Bowl Therapist+ Reiki Tummo® Practitioner
Lindsay is an intuitive SLOW Facilitator with background in the social service sector for more than 10 years. She values and respects each soul’s different yet unique life experiences when engaging them as partners in the helping and healing process.
She believes that everyone is an expert of their life and has the potential for self-growth and transformation. Lindsay is passionate to provide a safe space for souls to take pause and slow down, to embark on a discovery journey through different therapeutic modalities such as Zentangle® Art, SoulCollage®, Labyrinth and sound therapy to discover their inner wisdom so as to better connect with their inner self, better manage their emotional and mental well-being, feel balanced and find support to live a joyful, fulfilling and purposeful life for the good benefit of self and others.
$90/pax including zentangle materials, drinks and light snacks.
Save $10 Bundle with SoulCollage® Experience Workshop (May 9) @ $150/pax. View workshop details: https://chinesesoulcollage.eventbrite.sg
SEA Members could use their credit points to purchase and save on admin fee. Log in to www.soulitaire.com.sg to check your credit amount.
Min. 2 to start a class. Limited to 6 pax per session.
Email to sea@soulitaire.com.sg for exclusive time slot.
Organizers: SEA Soul.itaire & SLOW SoulSpace
SEA Soul.itaire is a member of the Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise (raiSE):