
Taking care of our health and happiness needs to be holistic and integrative. Leading a purposeful life requires the alignment of body, mind and soul. Let’s begin a journey of self-realisation and self-love!

Weekly Self-love & Self-healing for Body, Mind & Soul

Weekly sessions aim to assist you to release, rest and rejuvenate from your daily chores and responsibilities, so you will find greater strength and clarity to fulfil your purpose in life.

You will also be guided through a self-discovery journey to align peace, harmony and self-love for your wisdom within to arise.

Feature activities:

  • Weekly topics for building a healthy body, mind and soul eg. gut health, exercise, growth and abundance mindset, intuition, the law of attraction and energy work etc.
  • Mindfulness practices including guided meditation and sound therapy
  • Energy and sound healing to help to relieve from new moon/full moon effect
  • Coaching and sharing of tips on self and soul healing
  • Manifestation and affirmation
  • Group or individual sharing


Bestarz – An intuitive and compassionate soul coach and floral therapist. She has been a strong advocate of self-care and self-love in embracing the most powerful forces in the world, the life itself. She has the ability to communicate directly with spiritual guides and divine beings. In addition, her sensitivity towards earthly energy and spirituality can help you in healing while staying comfortable and calm.


Every Thursday, 10.10pm-11.33pm / 1.5 hour


$30/session; $160/8 sessions.

SEA members could save on admin charge by using credit points for ticket purchase.

Be a Soul Therapist (English Class)

Explore your own gifts of spreading the love and light…

If you are aspired to empower beautiful souls to fulfill their life purposes and advance together in spiritual path, be a soul therapist.

Feature activities:

  • 2 healing sessions for karmic cleansing
  • 1 energy alignment sessions
  • Activation of intuitive writing/intuitive art
  • Activation of One spiritual gift eg. communication with animals, crystals or plants etc
  • 12 hrs of Training & Coaching on Soul Healing which include an introduction to soul and energy, practice on sound/energy healing, to develop your own modality)
  • Meditation training and guidance
  • Complimentary 3 months guidance and marketing strategy after the training completion

Learn More


Bestarz – An intuitive and compassionate soul coach and floral therapist. She has been a strong advocate of self-care and self-love in embracing the most powerful forces in the world, the life itself. She has the ability to communicate directly with spiritual guides and divine beings. In addition, her sensitivity towards earthly energy and spirituality can help you in healing while staying comfortable and calm.


Class will start after the number of min. pax is met / 3 months + 3 months


Private sessions (1-to-1): $3k/pax

4-8 pax per class: $1k*/pax

*Installment plan available at $200/month for 6 months.

Lessons will be conducted in Zoom/WhatsApp/Nature. All Homework and materials included.


成为一名灵心疗愈师 (华语班)




  • 两堂净化身心疗愈
  • 一堂提升能量疗愈
  • 学习如何显现富裕
  • 练习如何正确地爱自己
  • 启发直觉写作/绘画
  • 启发内在天赋如:与宠物、水晶或植物沟通等
  • 十二小时训练与指导的灵心疗愈包括认识灵心与能量,练习声音和灵心能量治疗,启发个人潜能。
  • 静坐培训与指导
  • 附送:课程结束后,有为期三个月的督导和学习行销技巧


最少四人才开班 / 三个月 + 三个月



(1对1): $3k

4-8 人: 每人$1k 或 每个月$200(六个月)

课程将利用 WhatsApp/Zoom/大自然里授课,包括功课与教材。
